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  • Writer's pictureDhamathi Suresh

3 Girls on an Exploration

Well, here is yet another attempt to write a poem using RHYMES. The poem is based on the photo below:

Three little girls decided to visit the island nation,

as they sincerely feel they have a connection,

with things found in that very location.

Their parents are afraid there could be abduction,

cos the island has plenty of illegal pirate relation,

But the girls are firm with their determination.

Their friends feel they’re wanting attention,

and want to be the school’s center of attraction.

However, the girls believe they have the right information.

They have gone there with plenty of preparation,

and they do believe in the tools in their possession.

More importantly, they do trust their relation.

Early in the morning they start their exploration,

searching under water through sun light’s reflection.

Feeling happy with every progression.

Within few hours, they hit their metal projection

with the tools they had, they get ready for extraction.

Whatsoever, they weren’t ready to see the manifestation.

All the 3 were thrilled to see an increase in coral vegetation.

They were now happy with their efforts of preservation

and also, about the help they got from scientific invention.

For the fear of exploitation and destruction,

the girls decide to keep confidential the conservation.

And row back happily about their contribution. Trust you liked my imagination And if yes, please leave your appreciation

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