Friends, ever since I learnt about the various literary tools I have been attracted to “rhyming words” just as the moth is attracted to light. On the occasion of Women’s day, I attempted to write a small poem about Women and the kinds of women we meet in our daily life.
One god that we see every day is a woman
called as a mother but truly a Superwoman
her abilities and skills make me think isn't she a wonder woman!
Another god is a teacher, mostly a woman
patiently transforming a girl into a woman
thus, making her indeed a noblewoman!
Also, we respect all the front-line women
like the Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Policewomen
who display true compassion of women!
And then there are the inspiring women
Business-women, Congress-women, Lawyer-women
who are adding value and empowering women!
Finally, the all-powerful and motivating women
Bat-girl, Power-girls, Cat woman,
teach us to fight evil and stand up for our rights!
Looking forward to living in a world where all genders are treated equally with dignity!