“A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.” once said Neil Gaiman, a famous English Author. And I’m sure every bibliophile out here would agree with me. In this edition I'm reviewing Sudha Murthy’s book “Magic of the lost temple”.
In synopsis, in this book, Sudha Murthy tells us about how a city girl named Anoushka (Nooni) goes to the village for 2 weeks, and learns a lot. For example, her knowledge of plants, learning how to cycle.
There is a huge surprise at the end. She found a stepwell! And here were many stories about the well, which the people believe as true. The stepwell has a mini temple with 7 gods in it which is closed.
Why is that temple closed? Eager to know? Just start reading Sudha Murthy ‘s book “The magic of the lost temple”. It was so gripping that I read the final 40% in one sitting! Surprised? Read it and you may also do the same!!!
“Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are,” said Mason Cooley. In this pandemic curfew and lockdown, Sudha Moorthy’s books could be a good start.