Have you ever wondered of things you could do when it is raining? Don’t you want to step out in the rain and enjoy it? Well, here are few things that I do when it rains and yes you can trying do the same (if your parents permit).
I enjoy walking in the rains. I carry my transparent umbrella and watch the rain fall all over me, as I walk and sway in the rain. It’s a pleasure to observe the varying speed at which the rain drops hit the umbrella and also observe how they change direction along with the wind. However, what I enjoy the most is feeling protected by the umbrella while watching the rain pour down my umbrella.
At times, as I walk in the rain, my dad allows the naughtiness in me take over. Together, we go jump into the puddles and watch the rain water from the puddle splash all around us. Some times the splashes are big and at times they are small – over the years I have understood that the size and depth of the puddle make the difference. But yes get ready to see a scowling mom – they aren’t just ready to see their child drenched.
A car ride while it rains – yes, it’s one of the marvelous things that you can do while your father / mother drives. During such drives, I like to sit in the front seat with my seat-belt on, windows down, feel the chill breeze and enjoy the rain drops when I put my hands out of the window. It’s a treat to watch the huge splash that my father creates while he zooms the car around the street corners (he ensures that there are no vehicles or people nearby when he does that).
And on those days when my parents are on protective mindset or simply busy to take me out in the rain, I sit outside in our porch. Watching the rain pitter-patter on the trees, tiles, roof, and window; seeing the trees swaying to the tunes of the wind; relishing a hot beverage and enjoying the wet green environment is so fulfilling. Of course, I do have my protectives on as to avoid flaring up my mom’s mood.
Friends, if “life is to be lived”, then one of the best ways is to enjoy the rains. From my mother, I understand that in Bengaluru, the monsoon is just about to begin and this means we can look forward to have plenty of good times. But before you do the same, check with your parents and know how you can enjoy without catching cold or getting ill.