Hi friends
Frankly speaking, until April 2020, all that I used the computer was for watching videos and playing chess. And then I joined Orchids- The International School @ Nagarbhavi. Today I can quite confidently say that I have learnt to make use of the computer productively and use it to create designs – simple, complex and wonderful ones too.
During my 4th grade, I learnt to use 3D designs through which I could design a robot, architecture marvels like Eiffel tower, a desk, a class room, an entire school, etc. I also learnt to draw circuits and out of my own interest and exploration I learnt to use circuits to make sounds and to use double switches to make bulbs glow. Then I learnt to use code blocks and life became quite interesting thereafter. I can now easily digitally launch a rocket, rotate a fidget spinner, fly a drone and et all.
In my 5th grade, I learnt to use Canvaa to make excellent posters, cards, and other design. Well, I have already designed my book cover too. Off late we are learning to use GIMP – an app that is used to modify photos, morph images etc. And yeah, thanks to Project Based Learning and Sandeepa Ma’am, I have learnt to make use of Microsoft Powerpoint to create stunning presentation. I am eagerly awaiting the Volume-3 to begin on Oct 21st 2021 as I believe the new term will take me deeper into the world of IT.
I am truly thankful to the management, principal ma’am and all the teachers at Orchids – The International School Nagarbhavi for helping me making me gain confidence about the world of design in such a short span of time.
Some of works are as below: