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Writer's pictureDhamathi Suresh

The Story Behind Noble Prizes

Well, its almost year end and yes, it’s the season for ceremonies, awards and prizes. Like Grammy’s for Music; Oscar for Cinema, its Nobel Prize for academicians, researchers, and social workers. The highly prestigious Nobel Prize was the idea of Alfred Bernhard Nobel.

Alfred Nobel was a highly successful businessman and chemist. He invented dynamite which was used in extensively in mining and the building of transport networks internationally. Later the explosive was modified and used in warfare too.

In 1888, when his brother died, a French newspaper incorrectly published Alfred Nobel’s obituary with the words “The merchant of death”. This made him think about leaving a better legacy about him. Before his death, he donated much of his wealth to set up the Nobel Prize.

Alfred wanted the prize to be awarded for discoveries or inventions in physics, chemistry, and medicine. The Nobel prize is also awarded for literature and peace. In 1968, Economics was added to the list. The first prize was awarded in 1901 and since then more than 950 people/institutions have been awarded the prize.

Isn't it interesting to know about the story behind the Nobel Prize?

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