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  • Writer's pictureDhamathi Suresh

Why I want to go to Florida?

Who doesn’t want to go to Florida? Indeed, all of us want to go to Florida. Unlike many, I want to go to Florida to meet Winter – the prosthetic dolphin at Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

My desire to visit Winter increased after I watched the movie – Dolphin’s Tale. Winter was found caught in the ropes of a crab trap when she was just 2-months old. Unfortunately, the ropes had cut off the blood supply to the tail, causing it to naturally detach from her body. A team of experts, to help Winter swim, tried to install fake tails on its body. But Winter was not comfortable, and she would shake off any variation of fake tail.

A little boy who was involved in Winter’s rehabilitation figures out that probably the fake tails may be creating an irritation like how the car’s seat belt creates discomfort. They finally add some gel and help Winter swim happily. In Florida, I want to spend plenty of time with Winter and the experts as I want to understand how prosthetics can be better used for those who have lost their limbs.

To go to Florida, I would have to go by aeroplane. The flight journey is usually 20 – 25 hours long with a stopover in Europe. In Florida, I would also like to visit Walt Disney Park, Kennedy Space Center and also the famous Miami Beach. As the climate in Florida is mostly hot and sunny, I would carry Cotton Clothes that would help my skin breathe easily and absorb sweat if any. I would also carry my walking shoes as I will have to walk a lot and carry my camera so that I can shoot good pictures that would serve as memory for years to come.

Friends, if you would like to join me, please let me know. I’m sure together we can have plenty of good time.

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